Single Mom of Two Kids

I'm a single mom of two kids. My son is six and severely disabled, he's been in the hospital for over a month for behavioral stabilization. He's gotten so severe I've had to send my three year old daughter to live with relatives because he might hurt her. He is severely autistic, a runner and has massive prefrontal cortex brain damage as well as health problems. In the midst of all these trips to Ozark to visit my daughter and across town to visit him my car has started acting up. It's a 2001 Pontiac grand am One of the Windows doesn't stay rolled up, the rear seatbelts are locked up and now it's over heating and I'm afraid to drive it and damage it. My son will be getting out of the hospital soon and because he's a runner a working car is super important, he can't be transported by bus because he requires a special harness to even keep him in his seat. The hospital has reservations releasing him until I have some plan to safely transport him. He could and would try to get out of the window that's broken. He's not going to get better and needs residential placement but it's probably a year still before I can make that happen because of his age. I haven't been working because with his health problems and neurological problems he misses tons of school (73 days this last year) and no one but me can handle him. I have no money for car repairs but I have to have one to keep him safe and keep him in treatment and visit my daughter. I had some savings but this recent hospital stay wiped out what I had. I asked my church but they just don't have a way to help me out to get through this time. The children's father left when my son was diagnosed and we don't even know where he is, child support enforcement is involved but they can't find him.
We were able to get the car towed to a shop and diagnosed. It turned out that the overheating issue was just a leaking hose. We were able to repair the seatbelt and the window.
Thank you so much for your help with the car. Turns out it had a problem that would have ruined my engine if you hadn't helped. The window and seatbelts are now fixed and my son is safer. I'm not sure I can express how much of a difference this makes in my life. So again, thank you.
Single Mom of 2